- Leadership Training and QD sailing- January
- CPR and First Aid certification
- Escape Room Adventure
- Service project for Ronald McDonald House – February
- Color Guard for Coast Guard Auxiliary banquet
- Regatta training for adult leaders – March
- Sailing at Kerr Lake
- Sailing weekend at Bath, NC
- Pool Swim – April
- OA Conclave
- Small boat sailing at Blackbeard’s
- Sea Scout Academy (May)
- Recruitment day at Jordan Lake
- Patrol with Coast Guard Aux at Governor’s Cup, Kerr Lake
- Bahama Sailing Long Cruise (June-July)
- Commodore’s Cup Regatta
- Pirate Invasion – August
- Davy Jones Rendezvous – October
- Sea Scout College – November
- Leadership Training for new officers
- Scout Shed workday
- Bridge of Honor – December
- Service projects